Lectures & Tutorials


Dr. Franco Simini

Universidad de la República, Uruguay


Franco Simini is Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics, Universidad de la República, Uruguay, where he founded the Núcleo de Ingeniería Biomédica, a Department of both the Medical and Engineering Faculties. Active in Technology Transfer, Prof. Simini directed theses, created courses, wrote peer reviewed publications, books and patents. Biomechanics, impedance tomography, intra-abdominal pressure reduction and medical informatics are among his research areas. Prof. Simini was elected Outstanding Engineer in Uruguay 2022. Co-founder of University´s Espacio Interdisciplinario, IEEE Senior Member Prof. Simini is active in University government and outreach, chaired CLABIO2015, SABI2020 congresses and organizes 3DAHM2024 in Uruguay.


Bioimpedance vs Ionizing Radiation Imaging: an Unequal Contest in Biomedical Equipment Development

Nov 27, 2024

Dr. Pedro Bertemes Filho

Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina


Graduated in Electrical Engineering in 1995 at the State University of Santa Catarina and PhD in Medical Physics at the University of Sheffield. Awarded by Fulbright at Dartmouth College and visiting researcher in the University of Ljubljana. Titular Professor at UDESC since 2004, lecturing electronic instrumentation, sensors and transducers, introduction on biomedical engineering and coordinating research groups in biomedical engineering and electrical bioimpedance. Senior IEEE member since 2020. Reviewer of more than 12 international journals. Secretary of the ISEBI. International lectures in renowned Universities, such as Uruguay, Ljubljana, Sheffield, Copenhagen and Mexico. Areas of research interest are focused on electrical bioimpedance and bioinstrumentation, Biosensor and e-Health. Edited international books, such as “Bioimpedance in Biomedical Applications and Research” and “Medicine-Based Informatics and Engineering” by Springer.


Bioimpedance-Based System for Cancer Diagnosis: Current Advances and Future Perspectives

Nov 27, 2024

Dr. Pasquale Arpaia

University of Napoli


Pasquale Arpaia received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, where he is a full professor of Measurement. He is director of the Interdepartmental Center for Research on Health Management and Innovation (CIRMIS), Head of the Laboratory of Instrumentation and Measurement for Particle Accelerators (IMPALab), the Augmented Reality Laboratory for Health Monitoring (ARHeMlab), the Unina Hi-Tech Academic FabLab, and chairman of the University Federico II Internship Project. He is a Team Leader at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). He has also been a professor at the University of Sannio, and an associate at the CNR Institutes of Engines and Biomedical Engineering, and now of the INFN Section in Naples and CNR STIIMA. He is Associate Editor of the Institute of Physics Journal of Instrumentation, MDPI Instruments and also previously of the Elsevier Journal Computer Standards & Interfaces, IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging and Manufacturing. He was editor at Momentum Press of the book collection “Emerging Technologies in Measurements, Instrumentation, and Sensors.” In recent years, he has been scientific manager of more than 30 competitive research projects in collaboration with industry, with related international patents and licenses, and has founded 4 academic spin-off companies. He has served as a scientific evaluator in several international research committees. He is general chair of XR Salento, IEEE IWIS and IEEE MetroXRAINE. He is an annual plenary speaker at several international scientific conferences. He has published 6 books, and about 350 scientific papers in journals (7 in the last 7 years in Nature Group) and proceedings of national and international conferences. His PhD students were awarded in 2006, 2010 and 2020 at IEEE I2MTC, as well as in 2016 and 2012, 2018 at IMEKO Conference. His book on Brain Computer Interfaces was awarded by CRC Press as the best STEM book in 2024.


EIS-based health micro-instrumentation for measurement of drug transdermal delivery

Nov 27, 2024

Dr. César González

Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico


Prof César A González is PhD on Biomedical Engineering by (UAM-I, México), Post-Doc in Bioengineering Department at the University of California at Berkeley, USA, and Visiting Professor at Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel. Author of International Patents in the development of technology for non-invasive monitoring of critically ill patients and treatment of cancer with bioimpedance and nanotechnology. Author of international book chapters and scientific articles in indexed journals. Tutor of degree projects in the areas of Health Sciences and Bioengineering at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Chair program of national and international conferences on Biomedical Engineering as well as titular professor of national and international Latinamerican conferences and summer schools on Bioimpedance.


DNA Biosensors based on Bioimpedance

Nov 27, 2024

Dr. Ørjan Grottem Martinsen

University of Oslo


Ørjan G. Martinsen is a professor of physics and electronics at the Department of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway. He is also a senior researcher at the Oslo University Hospital. Martinsen is head of the “Oslo Bioimpedance and Medical Technology Group”, where the main focus is on electrical bioimpedance theory and applications within medicine. He is the co-author of the textbook “Bioimpedance and Bioelectricity Basics”, where the 4th edition was published last summer, and he is the founding editor-in-chief of the Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance.


Impedance measurements on a layered object – some surprising phenomena

Nov 28, 2024

Dr. Antonio H. Dell’Osa

UNTDF, Argentina


Antonio H. Dell’Osa is a Biomedical Engineer (Univ. Favaloro, Buenos Aires) and PhD in Biological Sciences with mention in bioengineering (Universidad Nacional de Tucumán). He works as a professor and researcher in the field of biomedicine, in general, and in bioimpedance, in particular; these functions he performed as Full Professor at the Instituto de Desarrollo Económico e Innovación of the Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego (Ushuaia, Argentina) and at CONICET (Argentina). He has undergraduate, graduate and research collaborations internationally with Uruguay, Colombia, Mexico and Italy. He has directed theses in Latin America and Italy in the fields of Computer Science, Engineering and Medicine. At the same time, he is a science-based technology entrepreneur. He has received Best Paper mention from the International Society on Bio Electrical Impedance and entrepreneur awards from INVAP, Banco de la Nación Argentina and ARCOR for the technological projects developed. He is the Head of the Applied Electronics and Biomedicine Laboratory, the first biomedical research laboratory in this area in Southern Patagonia.


Remote Bioimpedance Measurements

Nov 28, 2024

Dr. Uwe Pliquett

Institut für Bioprozess-und Analysenmeßtechnik, Germany


Uwe Pliquett received the diploma degree in electronic instrumentation and the Dr.-Ing. degree in measurement techniques in 1988 and 1991, respectively, from the Engineering College Mittweida, Germany. From 1993 to 1996 he was postdoctoral fellow at MIT, Cambridge, MA, working on transdermal drug delivery mediated by pulsed electric field. He continued the work on electroporation and bio-impedance measurements in Bielefeld where he received the habilitation in 2000. During 2005 he worked at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA, for investigation of changes in biological material due to the application of pulsed electric field. In 2006 he joined the Institut für Bioprozessund Analysenmesstechnik, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Germany, where he is currently working on characterization and manipulation of biological material using electrical and optical methods.


Practical application of impedance measurement with minimalistic instrumentation

Nov 29, 2024


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